
A blog and nothing more.


I have no words to say...

Literally, I have no words to say. I've been pretty much out of the whole picture these last couple of weeks. But the main reason is that I had my tonsillectomy on the 28th. I was mostly mute for the whole week, and I survived mostly out of the huge …

  • Fri 21 August 2009
  • oss

From the "dear lazy web" collection

I was testing midori, mainly because I wanted a webkit browser to test some pages and midori is a lightweight enough browser to have around. But (there's always a but, right) I found a problem: midori is not able to open any pages on http://localhost... anyone having the same …

  • Thu 30 July 2009
  • oss

Loving fedorahosted

The (https://fedorahosted.org) site was in desperately need of some love. Luckily, I had some spare time and gave it a face-lift :) Here's a sneak peak, but I would like you to go see for yourself, and if anything seems amiss, just drop me a line either here or …

  • Tue 21 July 2009
  • oss

And in other news...

[This happened](https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-users/msg05118.html) while no one was looking. Suffice is to say, these are pretty cool news, I've always considered LP.net to be one of the best platforms for FLOSS hosting, way above sf.net and freshmeat. The tight integration between the VCS …

  • Mon 22 June 2009
  • oss

I missed FUDCon :(

Between all the major hoopla going around in my house for the past month or so, I managed (all by myself) to miss the register deadline for [FUDCon Latam](http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDConLATAM2009), which is a damn shame, since I wanted to attend. Oh well, maybe I'll attend next …

  • Tue 09 June 2009
  • oss

'tis here, behold!

Fedora 11 "Leónidas" salió apenas hace un rato, llegando a la casa en la noche lo pondré a descargar desde el torrente y próximamente lo instalaré en la laptop. Muero de ganas por probar ext4 :) Chequen: * Las [notas de liberación](http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/f11/) (Aqui en [español](http …

  • Sat 06 June 2009
  • oss

OpenID anyone?

Dear FAS: Would it be possible to provide a valid OpenID URL to all FAS accounts ''ala'' Launchpad? (see https://launchpad.net/~yourusername if you have a launchpad account). Or probably there's one already and I am too blind to catch it? if not, what can I do to help …

  • Sat 06 June 2009
  • oss

Election time, dude!

Llegaron las elecciones! y estoy bastante emocionado porque va a ser la primera vez que planeo votar a conciencia. No, no me refiero a las elecciones intermedias para la bola de ineptos de la clase política mexicana (a la cual ya me he [referido anteriormente](http://kad.blegh.net/index …

  • Tue 02 June 2009
  • oss

People keep talking about it...

I've been using the [presto plugin for yum](http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeaturePresto) for a while now (a year? can't remember) but only now it is being pushed as a "cool new feature". Did I miss something here? Presto allows you to download only the deltas of updated RPM …

y 4 meses...

Bueno, no fueron 4, fueron (casi) 3 meses sin poner un pie aqui. Las razones son varias, desde las ya consabidas "no tengo tiempo", "no tengo nada interesante que postear" hasta otras como "ash, se me olvidó y mi sesión expiró y que hueva empezar de nuevo" Por donde comenzar …